Corporate Social Responsibility
Leading with influence for 180 years: conscious of the role we play
We have established a Social and Environmental Responsibility programme centred on four pillars and twelve commitments. Our commitment is displayed through concrete acts.
La Redoute has joined « Go for Good », the Galeries Lafayette movement for a more responsible fashion and home decoration.
The Galeries Lafayette teams have drawn up specifications to determine which labels could be part of this approach, guided by three dimensions: impact on the environment, social development and the local production (French manufacturing).
A product is mentioned as Go for Good when it meets one of the 38 criteria of the public specifications established by Galeries Lafayette, which range from the choice of raw materials to social and environmental issues. Go for Good products are not perfect. This is why the criteria fulfilled are specified each time in the product sheet in order to be as complete as possible.

Make enlightened choices for the environment
La Redoute loves sustainable materials
Aware that in order to reduce our environmental impact, we need to act on the entire life cycle of our products, from the extraction of raw materials to their end-of-life, La Redoute’s teams are committed to an approach aimed at gradually extending eco-design to our entire own-brand offering.
As a Fur Free Retailer, La Redoute is greatly has great concern for the well-being of all animals
Concerned about the treatment of animals, La Redoute is a proud member of the Fur Free Retailer Program. This means not including any real fur in our clothing products. We also refuse to deal with angora, mulesing, goose feather and live plucked feathers in accordance with the Responsible Down Standard.
Sorting and recycling its waste is the least of what La Redoute can do
Because simple waste management is easy and pays off big, La Redoute sorts and recycles all the waste produced by its activities. Our plastics become plastic again and our cardboard goes back to being cardboard—good for the planet, good for the economy.
La Redoute enjoys taking the train and reducing its CO2 emissions
Our supplies arriving at French ports made their way to us by barge, and we prefer transporting our goods by boat, truck, train—whatever it takes to reduce CO2 emissions. We are proud of our use of the train system in Asia—economic, ecological and fast.

Interactions with our customers and partners are centred on sincerity and sustainability
La Redoute: a disabled-friendly e-commerce option
The Internet has become an essential information and consumption channel. Why should certain people be excluded? The customer relations department at La Redoute is accessible to the hearing impaired, and its commercial website is navigable by the visually impaired. We are proud to pioneer new norms.
La Redoute—member of the Social Clause Initiative (ICS) for human rights
We work to sustainably improve the conditions of workers, to support suppliers in a responsible manner, and to empower them as active participants in their own approach toward progress. The ICS mobilises a group of experts to represent motivated and involved brands who are grounded in the way they take care of their teams.
La Redoute is compliant with the RGPD and the SAPIN II Act
For La Redoute, customers’ data are… personal ! In order to ensure that they will remain as it should be, we are committed to ensure the security of the processing of these data, in accordance with the RGPD.
To be compliant with the SAPIN II Act, we have deployed an outstanding organisation : Creation of an ethic committee, edition of a code of conduct, trainings to protect the company and all employees.

Take action—for the local community and society as a whole
La Redoute supports equal opportunities for young people
La Redoute has always involved its employees in patronage initiatives for equal opportunities both at school and on the job: aid for school and for entrepreneurial endeavors, digital workshops, coaching, etc. Employees are also encouraged to be involved in their community.
The organization Solfa—La Redoute is a proponent of preserving women’s dignity and right to education
From the beginning, La Redoute has stood behind and alongside women. We are partners and founding members of the Solfa endowment fund, which exists to promote the dignity of women by taking a stand against all forms of violence toward women.

Empower our employees with the keys to responsible entrepreneurship
Win’R Management
Through its management resources, with which all managers are trained, La Redoute encourages its manager teams to really serve as coaches, leaders, and entrepreneurs.
La Redoute supports and promotes employee diploma initiatives
Each year, La Redoute makes it possible through various forms of guidance and support for employees to convert their professional skills into specialised degree programmes. La Redoute is the leader among distance selling companies for this type of initiative.
La Redoute Chili Peppers
La Redoute employees have formed dedicated teams to organize internal events and activities aimed at developing interpersonal relationships and fostering a friendly atmosphere.